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TAXGuard Monthly Plans

AFS upholds the strictest security standards to protect your personal information. Your Social Security Number (SSN) is encrypted and safeguarded with industry-leading measures, ensuring confidentiality and peace of mind. We do not share your SSN or any personal and confidential information with third parties without your explicit consent or as required by law.

AFS upholds the strictest security standards to protect your information. Your EIN # is encrypted and safeguarded with industry-leading measures, ensuring confidentiality and peace of mind. We do not share your EIN# with any third party and confidential information with third parties without your explicit consent or as required by law.

TaxGuard Personal
TaxGuard Business Add On's
Background image symbolizing the security and comprehensive protection of AFS TaxGuardian plans, offering peace of mind for t
Enroll In TAXGUARD By AFS: Your All-Inclusive Tax Strategy

Join TAXGUARD today and leave the end-of-year fees behind. Your AFS subscription covers tax filings and unlocks a suite of benefits for secure, stress-free, and strategic tax planning all year long.

TaxGuardian logo, representing AFS's comprehensive tax protection and year-round financial support services.

© 2023 by AVID FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS. Created By Kingston Media

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